Wednesday, 19 June 2024 / Published in LATEST NEWS, OFM

OFM celebrates its 38th birthday in 2024. Since 1986, the brand has become a trusted friend in the lives and households of its listeners within Central South Africa. Central South Africa is the OFM broadcast footprint that covers the Free State, the Northern Cape, the North West and the Vaal.

While the brand supports several industries within the OFM footprint, OFM is ‘proudly-Agri’. So much so that it commits its 5am to 6am slot to agriculture every day, and the 6pm to 7pm slot to the region’s business interests, often related to the business of agriculture. The remainder of the day is focused on the lifestyles of the people it broadcasts to (SEM 7+/Age 25+).

The brand is also the media partner of the GrainSA NAMPO Harvest Day. This is an agricultural event that attracted 86 474 visitors over four days in 2024 – as well as 865 exhibitors. All this in the interest of farming. OFM is also a media partner to farming-related events the Bloem Show and the Bielie Mielie Fees.

The OFM brand, as well as the broadcast region itself, attracts the investments of South Africa’s top 100 companies.

OFM’s audience is of particular interest to the economy of South Africa, from the goods and resources that the region produces, to the items that it consumes. A secondary market that packs a punch, enough to hold to the interest of the Shoprite Group and the McDonald’s Corporation, among others.

BrandMapp identified that OFM’s 300 000 strong audience mostly hold down a full-time job or drive their own businesses (2023). They also invest in sideline operations that generate additional incomes. They present a portfolio of investments and assurances of varying capacities, and believe largely in giving back and investing in their communities. This is the Central South African citizen. They are predominantly happy with life and plan to holiday locally or abroad within the next year. They are into family, food, and celebration, but above all, they love dogs.

This big sky country, uncluttered by skyscrapers, paves the way for ‘Living the Real Good Life’.

This is a sub positioning of the OFM brand that speaks to this vast region, which is characterised by its enviable space to breathe and time to focus on what matters most. This is where the freedom to enjoy a more balanced life is not only possible, but is lived every day. It is a shared spirit in the belief that a good life is made up of many, often smaller, moments of pure fun, real connection, contribution to others, and moments of meaning. The OFM brand exists to connect and amplify this sense – a desire to live the best quality of life in every moment.

By reflecting this culture in Central South Africa for the past 38 years, OFM understands its audience. This in turn allows the brand to access that which the audience holds closest to them, and use these insights to build a connection, and in turn develop an economy. It the understanding of this, that allows OFM to ‘get’ the OFM listener and pass on this knowledge.

OFM is ‘The Sound of Your Life’ to anyone residing within it.

Tim Thabethe is OFM’s Programme Manager and has extensive experience in radio production and presenting.

Tuesday, 14 May 2024 / Published in Central Media Group, OFM

OFM is once again the proud media sponsor and partner of Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day, the largest agricultural trade show in the Southern Hemisphere. 

Scheduled from 14 May to 17 May 2024, the 56th edition of this event will take place outside Bothaville in the Free State, serving as a cornerstone of the agricultural calendar, attracting thousands of visitors, exhibitors, and leaders from across the country and abroad. 

Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day, held at NAMPO Park, serves as a central showcase for the latest innovations in agricultural technology, machinery, research, and operations. It provides an unmissable opportunity for stakeholders to network, learn, and engage in meaningful conversations. 

According to Grain SA’s Dr Dirk Strydom, Head of NAMPO, Marketing & Research Coordination, NAMPO plays an important role in connecting the agricultural sector by offering producers a one-stop environment to interact and do business with small and large businesses and relevant role players. “The South African agricultural community realise that staying connected is not just a luxury, but a necessity for growth in today’s competitive Agri-landscape. NAMPO is the trade show 

that offers producers a platform to access information and interact with services and products on offer, related to production, machinery, food-processing, inputs, precision agriculture and financial solutions.” 

As a media partner, OFM plays a vital role in expanding the event’s scope and impact. OFM offers comprehensive coverage of the expo and provides exhibitors with a platform to showcase their marketing messages to a broad audience, ensuring maximum exposure. 

Throughout the week, the ‘OFM Opstal’ can be visited across the NAMPO hall from which OFM will broadcast live, featuring interviews with exhibitors, agricultural stakeholders, and industry leaders. Visitors can also come to the OFM CLOSET to purchase branded clothing. Additionally, the marketing team will conduct exciting promotions on-site, giving visitors the chance to meet their favourite presenters. 

OFM’s marketing and sales manager, Anchen Lintvelt, says OFM’s partnership with Grain SA’s Nampo Harvest Day is not only a highlight for OFM, but also something we are immensely proud to be associated with. “The agricultural sector is of crucial importance to OFM and our involvement with NAMPO allows us to live out our love for agriculture. OFM will certainly provide loads of entertainment, informative talks and daily information on everything you need to know if you want to visit NAMPO Harvest Day this year.” 

Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day books a special place on OFM’s annual calendar, with programmes and activities curated to contribute to the larger message of hope and development within the agricultural sector. OFM remains committed to celebrating agriculture and amplifying the voices of those within the industry. 

Thursday, 18 April 2024 / Published in LATEST NEWS, OFM

With radio still being the most intimate of broadcast mediums, the industry knows all too well of the close bonds that are formed between presenters and listeners. However, behind the scenes, relationships are just as vital.

Any cub reporter who’s shadowed a seasoned broadcast journalist can attest to the value that is placed on trusted sources and contacts – you are who you bring to the daily news conference.

There is no way that one would be able to produce evocative content in isolation. To relate to others, one must interact with others. That’s why AI outputs often feel ‘cold’ to us – they were created without interaction between human beings.

Distilled down to its core, the content we disseminate is a collection of experiences; narratives of what someone has experienced or the experience that someone has of something. Thus, there is the opportunity to share knowledge from a wide variety of perspectives.

This diversity is also crucial in content creation, lest we create media vacuums or echo chambers that leave no room for anything ‘other’ and inevitably leave the audience poorer for being exposed to inferior content that holds no substance. Of course, there is always room for frivolity, considering how quickly users adopted platforms such as Snapchat and TikTok and brought them mammoth popularity.

The relationships we nurture and the stories we tell forge communities. Our stories can inform, inspire, and even help heal ourselves and others. Our stories can also hurt and destroy the relationships that we’ve worked so hard to create. Brand reputation, built up from narratives over decades, can be shattered in an instant with one ill-conceived or poorly placed utterance.

It’s also easy to forget that while we chase hits and clicks for traffic to generate income on our digital platforms that real people are the subjects of our stories. Have we afforded them the necessary respect? Are you piling on to someone’s misery with your on-air skit? Do they (or anybody) deserve this treatment? Would you do it with them in the room?

Telling stories is part of the human condition. And it’s never mere entertainment. Through our stories we shape our world and we can create whichever mould we please.

Relationships in business count among those scarce resources that have the potential to position us above competitors. Your collaborations hinge on how much you as a person and your brand are trusted. The synergy between partners and the amplification of messages are invaluable and can only be achieved where there is trust, and a willingness and the energy to create something bigger and meaningful to serve our collective communities.

Decades ago OFM began referring to our broadcast footprint, covering the Free State, Northern Cape, North West and southern Gauteng, as ‘Central South Africa’; even going so far as to reference this word as a proper noun.

Today, our listeners, followers, clients and stakeholders know what it is to be proudly ‘Central South African’ and what it means to belong to this resilient tribe. It is no longer merely a place, it is a state of mind. And it is a great testament of what can be achieved through our relationships and storytelling.

In conclusion, in a world seemingly and increasingly enslaved by algorithms, and on a medium considered one of the last ‘real’ mediums, let us cherish our relationships – in-house among our teams, with our trusted sources and collaborators, our stakeholders, our clients and our audience. Only then can we do the profound work for which radio is renowned.

Written by Elzette Boucher-Krüger, OFM Content Manager.

Tuesday, 02 April 2024 / Published in LATEST NEWS, OFM

OFM, the Sound of Your Life, is thrilled to announce Ilze Basson-Eva as the grand prize winner of R20 024 during our Big Radio Registration campaign.

In 2024, OFM vowed to bring listeners more, and the competition, held throughout February and March, as part of OFM’s commitment to connect with our listeners, culminated in Basson-Eva’s selection from hundreds of entries across Central South Africa.

The 42-year-old freelance graphic designer from Upington, says she’ll likely be spending her winnings om home renovations and then treating her family, her husband and two sons, aged 10 and 13, to a weekend away.

By going beyond the airwaves to meet our valued listeners in person and celebrate the diversity that makes each one more than just a number to us, OFM embarked on a journey crisscrossing Central South Africa, stopping in Bloemfontein, Kimberley, Klerksdorp, Welkom, Vanderbijlpark, Upington, and Potchefstroom.

During these activations, attendees registered as an official OFM listener and received a unique code to use throughout the year to unlock additional benefits and chances to win on OFM. Each activation also awarded a R2 024 spot prize, while participants were entered into the draw for the grand prize of R20 024.

According to OFM Sales and Marketing Manager, Anchen Lintvelt, this campaign was a showcase of Central South African hospitality from our listeners as well as partners and was received warmly throughout. “It’s wonderful to be able to make a difference in a loyal OFM listener’s life! Thank you to each and every one who registered at one of our eight stops. Don’t lose hope if you didn’t win this time… there is still much more to come in 2024!”

Stay tuned to OFM, and keep an eye on our social media platforms for more announcements to come regarding the Big Radio Registration.

Friday, 22 March 2024 / Published in LATEST NEWS, OFM

Michael Ndabandaba can be forgiven for thinking his life hit the fast-forward button last year. He won the OFM O-dition presenter search in March 2023 and went from working as a frozen foods packer in Klerksdorp to moving to Bloemfontein and starting a new career as a production assistant and voiceover artist at OFM.

According to Michael, his life has definitely improved since he won the presenter search. “I didn’t think I would win! I was just looking for an opportunity. The O-dition has changed everything. It has put me in a position to look after the people in my life. I have learnt a lot by being mentored by others and being surrounded by creative people at OFM. It is eye-opening to see what goes on behind the scenes at a radio station. I’ve also had the opportunity to apply the knowledge I already gained from my hobby, which is music production. I would say working at OFM has sharpened all my skills.”

Michael not only started a new job and moved to a new city in 2023, but he also got engaged and became the proud father to a little girl. “It felt like everything was falling into place. Moving to Bloemfontein has felt like starting a new chapter in my life journey.”

OFM programming manager, Tim Thabethe, says: “Before January 2023, Michael had no committed thought toward a radio career. One year later, Michael is one of the voices that you will hear on OFM and one of the cogs in the wheel that turns OFM, the Sound of Your Life. It is always good to see a person live out their passion and we are proud to have enabled this for him.”

OFM embarked on the O-ditions not only to find someone to mentor but also to change a life… and it ended up changing three lives. From this campaign came not only Michael but also Ashmund Martin and Anny Bruyns, both of whom are now presenters at OFM.

For more info, contact

Friday, 15 March 2024 / Published in Central Media Group, LATEST NEWS, OFM

In today’s dynamic and diverse world, consumers crave engaging experiences and information presented in ways that resonate with them. This is where the multi-media approach emerges as a powerful tool for both products and businesses. By incorporating various media formats, businesses can effectively connect with their audience, enhance their brand image, and ultimately achieve their goals. This is one of the objectives of the Central Media Group, which has interests in OFM, the number one commercial station in Central South Africa, Mahareng Publishing, which publishes Bloemfontein Courant and Bloemfontein Get It, and Digital Platforms, a strategic online solutions business.

A multi-media approach is the deliberate use of a combination of different media formats to deliver a message or promote a product. This can include a variety of elements such as:

  • Visuals: Images, photographs, infographics, videos, print advertising and interactive elements.
  • Audio: Music, voiceovers, podcasts, radio advertising and sound effects.
  • Text: Written content such as product descriptions, blog posts, social media advertising, and website copy.
  • Events and promotions: Being in your customers’ space with exciting events and promotions that build brand loyalty and an emotional connection.

The benefits of a multi-media approach for products and business include increased engagement by using various media formats, and that products become more interactive and engaging, capturing and holding the attention of potential customers. This can lead to a deeper understanding of the product and its features, ultimately influencing purchase decisions. Enhanced storytelling allows for a richer and more compelling story to be told about a product. Businesses can showcase their products in action, highlight their benefits in a dynamic way, and evoke emotions in potential customers. A boosted brand image is the result of a well-executed multi-media approach portraying a company as innovative, forward-thinking, and invested in providing a holistic experience for its customers. This can enhance brand perception and build trust and loyalty.

In today’s competitive landscape, a multi-media approach is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for both products and businesses. By embracing this strategy, businesses can create compelling experiences, connect with their audience on a deeper level, and achieve their goals in a more effective and impactful way. As technology continues to evolve and consumer expectations rise, the power of the multi-media approach will only continue to grow, offering endless possibilities for creative expression and impactful communication.

By Nick Efstathiou, CEO – Central Media Group t/a OFM, the sound of your life.

Thursday, 14 March 2024 / Published in LATEST NEWS, OFM

In the heart of Central South Africa, agriculture is an essential economic driver and an integral part of many communities. In the midst of this beautiful landscape of vast landscapes, lushly planted fields and picturesque towns, OFM, the region’s leading commercial radio station, is at the forefront as a leader in the broadcasting industry when it comes to supporting the agricultural sector.

Since its foundation in 1986, OFM has constantly kept up with the changing needs and interests of our listeners. One of these needs is reflected in our dedicated agricultural niche programs where information is shared in Afrikaans. OFM is now the preferred source of regional information for producers and stakeholders through our daily agricultural news bulletins and specialist programmes, which include industry information, analysis, market reports and weather forecasts.

Our radio broadcasts and digital platforms provide producers with access to knowledge that is readily shared by policy makers, experts, and leader farmers. We also like to celebrate the region’s successes and encourage farmers to persevere in their all-important task of achieving food security.

OFM is not only a reliable source of industry information, but also actively participates in various projects to support and develop the rural and agricultural sector.

One such prominent partnership that highlights OFM’s commitment to the agricultural community is our collaboration with Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day, the largest agricultural trade show in the Southern Hemisphere. This annual event, which takes place outside Bothaville in the Free State, is a cornerstone of the agricultural calendar and attracts thousands of visitors, exhibitors and leaders from all corners of the country and even abroad.

From the 14th to 17th of May 2024, all agricultural roads lead to NAMPO Park, which serves as a central showcase for the latest innovation in agricultural technology, machinery, research and operations making it an unmissable opportunity for stakeholders to network, learn and engage in meaningful conversations.

As a media partner of Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day, OFM plays a key role in increasing the scope and reach of the event. The radio station provides comprehensive coverage of the expo and also gives exhibitors the opportunity to put their marketing messages within reach of the right eyes and ears to ensure they enjoy the best possible exposure.

OFM’s live broadcasts during the week include talks with exhibitors, agricultural role players and leaders in organised agriculture. Our marketing team also offers several exciting promotions on site, and visitors can stop by OFM’s stand to meet their favorite broadcasters, win prizes and purchase trendy clothing from OFM CLOSET in our pop-up shop.

Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day is an annual highlight for OFM and our programmes and activities are executed with great care to contribute to the larger message of hope and development that the agricultural sector holds for South Africa, as well as the atmosphere on the grounds of this great event, which is proudly taking place in our broadcast area.

In addition to this partnership with Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day, OFM has forged strong ties with local agricultural organisations, government bodies, industry associations and major players in the agricultural value chain, which further confirms our role as a champion of agribusiness.

Through collaborative initiatives, outreach programmes and community events, OFM advocates for the interests of producers, the promotion of knowledge exchange, and the support of sustainability.

OFM is proud of agriculture, proud of what agriculture achieves in our broadcasting area, and proud of the potential that agriculture holds for the development of our region as well as the entire country. On our platforms, agriculture is celebrated and your marketing message is trumpeted to an audience that also understands the indispensability of agriculture and still knows that they have to thank a farmer for the food on their plate every day.

OFM – our heart beats agriculture.

Monday, 04 March 2024 / Published in LATEST NEWS, OFM

OFM, the sound of your life broke all the rules to turn the radio station on its head during Leap Day to allow ‘anything to happen’.

29 February 2024 was earmarked “Anything Can Happen Day” on OFM and the presenters did a great job of surprising and entertaining Central South Africa with chances to win as well as granting their wishes for requests of unusual music choices that may not be heard on a regular basis.

The morning began with modest requests for those who only have a birthday ‘once every four years’ and Good Morning Breakfast presenter Margaret Whitfield even surprised a lucky listener, Stephan Meyer, with cake and balloons.

With the popular Money for Nothing Quiz, the breakfast team’s Shandor Potgieter challenged participants to provide only wrong answers and Corné Calitz succeeded with flying colours and won R3 000. She also received an additional R1 000 for registering as an official OFM listener during our Big Radio Registration campaign.

During the show, Potgieter also shared the exciting news that famous singer, Nadine Blom, will join the team from April.

Mid-Morning Magic’s Yolanda Maartens, in true OFM Art Beat style, asked musicians from Bloemfontein to help her with the programme’s background music as well as perform their version of recent hits.

Pulane Nel-Sekepe delighted the At Lunch audience with her reverse version of “At Lunch Sounds” where listeners could quiz her about a secret sound. During the show, Anny Bruyns and Ashmund Martin also visited McDonald’s in Bloemfontein and handed out cash prizes.

On the Joyride, Nico van der Westhuizen, Nikki van der Linde and Kayla Barker ensured that the day ended on a high musical note, as well as the customary Leap Day marriage proposal – this time from Theunissen. Liana Weideman asked Barend Howard for his hand and their story had the team, as well as some of the listeners who sent in congratulations, in tears.

A final big highlight of the day was the announcement of the winner of flight tickets for someone who has never flown on a plane. Yolanda and Alex du Pisani from Viljoenskroon will soon be able to tick this experience off their bucket list. It was also Alex’s birthday on the day and the couple celebrate their wedding anniversary on the 1st of March.

“Anything Can Happen Day” was a full-fledged celebration of all the magical elements that make radio ‘radio’ and strengthens the bond between the brand, the presenters and the audience to once again establish OFM as an indispensable part of the Central South African experience.

However, fans don’t have to wait four years for the next surprises, 2024 is the year of so much more on OFM – stay tuned and keep an eye on our social media; more is on the way!

For further information, email

Friday, 01 March 2024 / Published in LATEST NEWS, OFM

One of Bloemfontein’s most beautiful roses will soon be back in her native city and will also be heard on the airwaves as part of the OFM team.

Nadine Blom, a well-known singer, motivational speaker, and the founder of the Supercool for Jesus brand, moves in behind the mic on The Sound of Your Life on 1 April 2024. She will be part of the breakfast programme, Good Morning Breakfast, every weekday morning from 06:00 to 09:00, as well as the Nuut In Afrikaans, every Sunday evening from 19:00 to 20:00.

Blom has already honed her career as an announcer at BOK Radio in Cape Town and recently presented the weekday morning programme from 11:00 to 13:00.

Last year, she also released a new hit, ‘Nuwe Liefde’, which received a lot of popularity and praise, while also celebrating two decades in the music industry.

“The stars aligned when Nadine agreed to join the OFM family. With the Good Morning Breakfast show now made up of Potgieter, Margaret Whitfield, John Walland and Nadine Blom – what a powerful ensemble! We look forward to her strong presence when stirring up a strong pot of coffee first thing in the morning with the breakfast team,” says OFM Program Manager, Tim Thabethe.

“I’m looking forward to being back in my hometown and getting to know the region’s people at OFM’s outdoor broadcasts and activities. I also really look forward to being part of everyone’s lives every morning,” says Nadine.
Blom completed her Masters in International Law at the University of Johannesburg and is a keen campaigner for human rights. She regularly delivers nationwide speeches on cyber security and the dangers of social media.

She has won two SAMA Awards (South African Music Awards), a Ghoema Award, Bokkie Award, three Afri-Indie Awards and a Flam Award for her contribution to the South African music industry and achieved gold status with several releases.

During 2003, Nadine debuted at the KKNK with her mature debut production and CD “Veer”. Duets are one of Nadine’s passions and over the years she has shared the stage with voices such as Andre Schwartz, Jannie Moolman, Rina Hugo, the Afro Tenors and Sibongile Ngoma. During 2008, Nadine identified a need for “African Tween pop music” for children and released a DVD and CD titled Supercool in 2009.

Her single, ‘Nuwe Liefde’ (written by Hunter Kennedy, Janie Bay and herself) heralds her 20 year celebration in the music business. ‘Nuwe Liefde’ was launched in October 2023 and she is touring across South Africa to celebrate her 20 years in the music career with her fans.

For more info, contact

Wednesday, 31 January 2024 / Published in LATEST NEWS, OFM

In 2024, OFM, the Sound of Your Life is bringing you so much more by going beyond the airwaves to meet our valued listeners in person and celebrate the diversity that makes each one more than just a number to us.

In February and March, the OFM team will embark on a journey crisscrossing Central South Africa, stopping at key towns from 09:00 to 17:00 during “The Big Radio Registration” campaign.

During these activations, attendees can register as an official OFM listener. After filling out our online questionnaire, everyone will receive a unique code that they can use throughout the year to unlock additional benefits and chances to win on OFM.

Each activation will also award a R2 024 spot prize, while participants will be entered into the draw for the grand prize of R20 024 that will be awarded at the end of March.

Locations earmarked for the tour include Bloemfontein, Kimberley, Klerksdorp, Welkom, Vanderbijlpark, Upington, and Potchefstroom. The list of dates and venues can be seen here:

Anchen Lintvelt, OFM Sales and Marketing Manager says, “We are very excited to travel through the whole of Central South Africa, meet our loyal listeners in person, and to reward those who register as an OFM listener with a unique number that could make them win big! Our partners in each town will also offer amazing deals to our listeners, which will make every Big Radio Registration day worth a visit!”

According to OFM Programme Manager, Tim Thabethe, the brand hits this election year running with this campaign, “OFM launched the New Year with a ‘So Much More’ promise to its audience. The Big Radio Registration is a deeper promise of exactly that. And, this is just the start of it. It is the hope for a better year for all, an ambition led by OFM for both its listeners and clients, which provides another opportunity to surprise and delight audiences and advertisers.”

This campaign is not just about radio; it’s about building bridges and creating meaningful connections with our audience. It’s a chance to be part of something bigger, to connect with OFM and fellow listeners, and to win fantastic prizes along the way.